Women’s Bible Study
9:30AM | The Loft
Led by Martha Barger
Child care is available.
More Ways to Get Connected
Mom’s Meet
Moms Meet is passionate about providing opportunities for moms to grow in faith, connect with others, and build friendships that are full of warmth and acceptance. If you are a mom who wants to grow in your relationship with Christ and with others, join us on
For more information about Moms MEET, contact Stacey Price in the Preschool Ministry office at
540-224-3366 or sprice@firstroanoke.com.
Every second Tuesday
Roanoke County Public Library, Merriman Road
For more info, email womensministry@firstroanoke.com
Coffee Chat
Good coffee, Great Friendships
Meet up with other ladies for casual conversation over coffee (or tea!) at hmoes and coffee houses around Roanoke! Check back here for details of our next Coffee Chat!