First Roanoke
ServeServing at First Roanoke
Join a Serve Team
Our volunteers are vital to the life of the church. By choosing to serve on a team, you are choosing to use the time, treasures, talents, and passions God has given you to serve the needs of others and make an eternity worth of difference.
FirstKids Team
Do you have a heart for seeing kids come
to love and know Jesus? Our FirstKids team gives you the opportunity to invest in children in various rolls!
FirstStudents Team
Are you passionate about the next generation and encouraging others on their walk with Christ? If so, come serve the next generation, ages 6th- 12th grade, with our FirstStudents team. There are plenty of areas to get involved- you never know the impact you can have on a teenager as they learn and grow in their faith.
Kainos Team
Do you have a heart for serving within the young adult community? From production to first impressions, there are so many ways to get involved withing the First Roanoke Kainos community.
Worship Team
Here at First Roanoke we take leading worship very seriously and we are so thankful for all the time and effort each one of our talented team members puts into making our services a worship focused offering to our Lord! Fill out the form if you’re interested.
Production Team
Although they are rarely seen, they never go unnoticed. Do you enjoy being in the “behind the scenes” action that impacts worship in the room and online? Whether it’s behind the camera, putting up lyrics on screens, or controlling the lights – you don’t have to have experience to join- we’ll train you!
Generations Team
Serving comes in all shapes and sizes. Interested in serving with the seniors of First Roanoke? Find out who you can get involved!