First Roanoke
Wednesdayswhat’s going on at First Roanoke
Wednesday Schedule
Generations Ministry Hymn Sing
Dinner in Phelps Hall
Discipleship Group Classes
Moms Meet
Worship Ministry Rehearsal (Choir and Orchestra)
Every First and Third Wednesday 4PM-5PM
In the choir room!
Dinner in Phelps - 5:00PM
Please note there are no standing reservations and you must fill out this form each week by Monday at Noon if you plan to purchase a meal. We will do our best to prepare enough meals but they will be served on a first come, first serve basis.
Moms Meet
Are you a mom who needs community? We invite you to Moms Meet! This is a group of moms who gather together to study God’s Word together and support one another. Moms Meet is held in The Treehouse.
Men on Mission
On Wednesday nights, First Roanoke Men deliver needed items provided through our Care Portal Ministry to at-risk families in the Roanoke Valley and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ as they meet these physicals needs.
Worship Rehearsals
If you are interested in serving in our Worship Ministry through choir or orchestra, we invite you to attend Worship Rehearsal! Orchestra meets in the Worship Center and Choir meets in the Choir Room.