Firstkids events
Check out what’s going on at First Kids:

Firstkids events AND REGISTRATION
Our Wednesday night Awana’s program includes scripture memory, Biblical principles, games, activities, songs, uniforms, badges, and awards. It’s centered on the gospel, is exciting and fun, and is built on volunteer leadership. Awana uses different groups and curriculums to ensure that children are reached in an age-appropriate way. For example, the Truth in Training (TNT) club is for upper elementary students, and includes handbooks with 30 weeks of content.
The name comes from the first letters of “Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed” from 2 Timothy 2:15.
Parents and church members are invited to help as listeners in Awana!
Get excited for a great year of Kids Discipleship in Awana on Wednesday nights. Our program starts Wednesday, September11th. Awana is a Bible based ministry that helps children and youth develop a Biblical faith. The program is open to anyone, regardless of religion, and is used in over 135 countries, reaching millions of children each week.
Our mission is to:
- Build lasting faith foundations for children and youth
- Equip leaders to lead with proven resources
- Make a global impact, one disciple at a time
Moms Meet
Join us starting Wednesday night
September 11th 6PM-7:30PM!
Opportunities for parents

Moms Meet
The Lord created us for community with Him first. Moms Meet is passionate about providing opportunities for moms to grow in faith, connect with others, and build friendships. We will meet on Wednesdays from 6:00pm-7:30pm in the Treehouse starting September 6th. AWANA and childcare provided.

Men on Mission
On Wednesday nights, First Roanoke Men deliver needed items provided through our Care Portal Ministry to at-risk families in the Roanoke Valley and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ as they meet these physicals needs.

Choir and Orchestra
Our Worship Ministry leads worship each Sunday morning in our service. Rehearsals happen every Wednesday night at 6:00PM; the Choir meets in the Choir Room, and the Orchestra meets in the Worship Center.
Kids Worship Resources
Christian Parenting Tools
- Right Now Media has 100s of kids and adult videos for free. Click here to access!
- Parenting Podcast
- Bible App for Kids
Missed Virtual VBS?
Watch it here!
Firstkids Media
FirstKids in the Kitchen / Virtual Awana / Virtual VBS
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