Who we are

First Students aims to establish a culturally relevant environment where middle and high school students can encounter the gospel and respond to it.


Students develop deep relationships with the ministry team as they create deep relationships with each other and ultimately with Jesus.

The aim is for each to love, worship, and enjoy God. By fostering groups and being a part of church life, students go through discipleship by connecting them to Christ-centered relationships, encouraging them to grow in the way of Christ, and equipping them to serve as Christ served.

Join us at FirstStudents

First Students at First Roanoke


Sunday Morning Connect Groups

Join us on Sunday mornings in the Loft at 9:00AM for Connect Groups. Our leadership team is ready each week to take students deeper into God’s Word. This is also an awesome opportunity to develop deeper relationships with other students in their specific age group.

students worship


Sunday Night Worship

Our Sunday night gatherings in The Loft consists of a worship and fellowship experience for students in 6th-12th grade. Our desire is to create an unforgettable experience that students want to be part of every week. Each night there will be various activities such as games, hang time, devotional messages, singing, and small groups!



June 10-14, 2024 // FUGE CAMP

Summer Camp with First Students is always the best week of the year! This year, we are headed to Virginia Beach! Camp will be led in worship by Kamyron Hayes, and students will hear preaching of Legin.

Registration opens soon!


June 6-12, 2024 // Upperclassmen mission trip

We are partnering with Send Relief and a local church in Puerto Rico as we go to work, serve, and share the Gospel! This is going to be an awesome trip!

If you are interested in getting more information about this trip, email us at

We have 6 spots for girls and 6 spots for boys available. Seniors will be given first priority to these spots, but don’t let that discourage you from reaching out to be part of this awesome opportunity!

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