Ministry Partners
Straight Street
Straight Street is a place where a teenager can hang out, meet friends and find someone to help them. Straight Street is more than a youth center, it is a safe place for youth to get assistance for themselves and their family.
Southern Baptist Conservatives of Virginia
The SBC of Virginia is a fellowship of more than 700 churches dedicated to the fulfillment of the Great Commission. The convention began in 1996 based on a belief in the inerrancy of Scriptures and committed to church planting as a means to reach the world for Christ.
Rescue Mission Ministries
The Rescue Mission of Roanoke offers a comprehensive array of services to help people who are burdened by homelessness, disabilities, addictions, and abuse.
Blue Ridge Women's Center
Blue Ridge Women’s Center improves the well-being of women and their families through a medical clinic specializing in unplanned pregnancy, relationships, and reproductive health.
Keystone Community Center
Keystone Community Center wants to spread God’s message of hope and compassion as they serve the community through various programs including after-school care, backpack giveaway, community garden, and more.
Friendship House
This organization offers after-school and food pantry programs, as well as refugee housing to assist displaced people from overseas.
The Lampstand
Formerly known as Street Ransom, The Lampstand is a place for victims of trafficking. Through awareness and support, the Lampstand works to help individuals in their greatest time of need.
The Least of These Ministries
TLOT Ministries offers services for the homeless in our community. From free lockers, to moving assistance, to warm buses on cold nights, this ministry continuously works to improve the quality of life for the unsheltered.
Habitat for Humanity
The Roanoke Valley Habitat for Humanity works to build houses for the less fortunate in Roanoke. Their fundraising for these projects comes from donations and sales at their “Re-Store”.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
The local chapter of Fellowship of Christian Athletes serves 35 schools in the area. There are also 13,000 students athletes served monthly.
Love Life
Love Life is uniting and mobilizing the Church to create a culture of love and life that will result in an end to abortion and the Orphan crisis.
CarePortal works to connect individuals and churched with children in need; whether you simply want to keep one child out of foster care, help one family in crisis stay together or rally your community.
Roanoke Area Ministries
Roanoke Area Ministries (RAM) is an interfaith non-profit that advocates for those facing or are threatened by homelessness and hunger. Founded in 1971, our doors are open for those needing care coordination, day shelter services, meals, and emergency financial assistance.